+44 (0) 1474 357256, +44 (0) 7956 554743
+44 (0) 1474 357256, +44 (0) 7956 554743



Welcome to Footprints Mentoring!

Footprints mentoring matches adult volunteer mentors with disadvantaged children ages 6-17 years from poor backgrounds within Gravesham Borough in Kent with the aim of preventing them from growing up to becoming poor adults.

To become a Mentor, download an application form here

If you are an agency and would like to refer a child

For further information, call us on +44 (0) 1474 357256, +44 (0) 7956 554743

Who we are:

Footprints Mentoring is a project run by Extending Grace Int’l which is a Charity registered in England & Wales and founded in 2013. We are governed by a board of Trustees. We are a children charity with the aim to break the cycle of poverty in the lives of disadvantaged children and young people and prevent them from growing up to become poor adults. This project is one of the many ways we achieve our aim and it is a one-to-one mentoring service where adults serve as good role models to support, motivate and encourage the children to grow in a structured pathway of life.

Our objectives are to:

• Introduce more safety and stability into children’s lives
• Directly address the difficulties experienced by each child and family
• Channel children’s energy into projects that give a sense of personal achievement
• Nurture children’s self-worth
• Reduce the isolation children may be experiencing
• Support children to find the motivation and life skills to move forward positively

What is Mentoring?

According to Mentoring and Befriending Foundation, it is: “a voluntary, mutually beneficial and purposeful relationship in which an individual gives time to support another to enable them to make changes in their life”.

Who can volunteer with us?

Our volunteer mentors are mainly adults from the local community and from diverse backgrounds with a variety of life experiences. Sometimes, those who have worked with a mentor and have experienced the benefits for themselves are inspired to become a volunteer mentor themselves. We are keen to have a broad mix of mentors to enable the best possible match with our mentees. If you have the desire to help other people, you can volunteer with us.

The roles of a Volunteer mentor

We want someone who wants to live a footprint for a child to follow so therefore, the role will include the following elements:
– Be available to meet mentee 2hrs per week, 3 times in a month.
– The building of a supportive and trusting relationship which involves getting to know each other.
– Listening to your mentee and discussing anything that is worrying them.
– Clarifying what your mentee wants to gain/achieve/change in their life.
– Planning with them the steps needed to reach their goals.
– Encouraging your mentee to think and talk about their hopes for the future.
– Talking about any relevant experiences and problems they have overcome.
– Discussing and reviewing progress with your mentee on a regular basis.
– Valuing their opinions and beliefs.
– Motivating your mentee to develop their full potentials.
– Help these your mentee to build their confidence and realising their hopes and aspirations for a brighter future.

As a mentor you will be doing all of the above, but you are not a substitute teacher, parent, social worker or counsellor. However, sometimes you may have to work alongside professionals as part of an integrated package of support for your mentee.

Who will benefits?

The children and young people we work with are growing up in a poor household and may be isolated, suffering a relationship breakdown, have learning or behavioural difficulties.

They might not have had the chance to do the things that most children take for granted, like a trip to the cinema or park. They need a stronger social support network.

The benefits of volunteering as a mentor with us.

The potential benefits of being a volunteer mentor or befriender are wide-reaching As well as being fun and rewarding, this scheme will: Give you the opportunity to enhance your skills and CV; Improve your supervisory skills; Have a positive impact on someone’s
life; Be involved in shaping the future of your community; Develop new skills e.g in communication and listening; and Improve your job prospects and employability.

We will provide relevant training and support to enable you do your work effectively.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer mentor, please complete the enclosed application form.

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